Praying for God

It’s not surprising that Jesus taught us to pray to God. It’s not surprising that he taught us to pray for people. What’s stunning is this: Jesus taught us to pray for God. That is, the Son taught us to pray first for the Father to rise up in his own behalf. As we pray in this way, we pray powerfully and effectively for people too.

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Beth Moore and LifeWay: The ploy

When the "threat alarm" goes off in an abusive church system, the response is orchestrated and brutal. But it's church: Appearances must be kept up. People loyal to the system confuse while pretending to clarify, cover-up while pretending to address, attack while seeming to answer, put-down while pretending to help.

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Two large, antique globes stand side by side, each upheld by a heavy, walnut, four-footed frame. One globe depicts the earth. The other depicts a heavenly world.
Two globes in the Musee Hospice Comtesse, Lille, France, depict two worlds – the earth and the heavens.

Living in two worlds

  • Post category:Times and Seasons
  • Post last modified:March 19, 2024

Jesus died, rose and ascended so we can live in two worlds at the same time - the natural one we see physically, and the supernatural one we see by the Spirit.

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