Return to Your Rest

In the most brutal and exhausting of times, I’ve learned: No matter how completely God’s rest seems to have disappeared from your life, he still holds it out, and he makes the way for you to return.

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest.

So how is that possible? And how does it does look?

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Be restored

Religious exhaustion. Living on overload. Family chaos. Trauma and grief. How do we reconcile our real-life experiences with Jesus’ invitation, “Come to me, and I will give you rest”?

Was Jesus naïve? Is his promise a lie? Did it work in another time and place, but not in ours? Or does God offer genuine help to Return to Your Rest?

Dear weary one:

  • Uncover hidden barriers to finding the rest we so desperately need.
  • Discover the difference between coming to Jesus and going to church.
  • Explore the lives of four women and four men who came to Jesus, and found rest.
  • See delightful ways that rest may look different from what we’ve thought.
  • Meditate on a remarkable song of rest. Sing along, if you choose.
  • Embark on your own Spirit-to-spirit journey into rest.

#R2R #ReturntoYourRest

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