Bucking the system: Shunning, submission and Jesus

When you earnestly seek to do what’s right, inside a system you do not recognize as broken, you’re asking to be blindsided. When you implicitly trust leaders who depend on the system for power, image and funds, you’re asking to be betrayed. Not seeing what you need to see, you won’t have a clue what’s going on.

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Leah no more

How many women today can testify: The church culture, to which we have given ourselves, has used us and used us to make someone else look good, while profoundly rejecting our personhood, our adulthood, our worth, us.

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Bullying in the church

Mobbing, or adult bullying, is abuse. It's a form of psychological violence. It's agonizing to experience, and the agony multiplies when you have believed the abusers and their colluders to be godly Christians. Bullying thrives in systems where manipulation, coercion and control are accepted as the norm.

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