When Christian leaders reject God

I saw it for the first time in a meeting I called and led. No. Actually: I realized then what I had been seeing for years. It broke my heart. I’ve tried to tell the story twice before. Both times, I described what happened in that meeting, but did not include any backstory. Now it’s time to write the whole story. Bring honor to your name, holy Lord.

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Tell us about past events

  • Post category:From: We Confess!
  • Post last modified:March 16, 2024

There is no good way to talk about what is very hard to hear. And yet it's crucial to say it. It’s crucial to put the truth out there for anyone willing to ask: "Tell us about past events, so that we can reflect on them and understand their consequences. So we can choose a different way."

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Bullying in the church

Mobbing, or adult bullying, is abuse. It's a form of psychological violence. It's agonizing to experience, and the agony multiplies when you have believed the abusers and their colluders to be godly Christians. Bullying thrives in systems where manipulation, coercion and control are accepted as the norm.

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