Can we talk about shame?

  • Post category:Trauma and Grief
  • Post last modified:March 10, 2024

It’s not a little thing to face into something as painful as shame. It takes courage, and trust. Yet to experience the abundant life and rest and favor our Lord holds out to us, it’s vital to let him show us when we’re feeling shame, and how to walk free from it.

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Two large, antique globes stand side by side, each upheld by a heavy, walnut, four-footed frame. One globe depicts the earth. The other depicts a heavenly world.
Two globes in the Musee Hospice Comtesse, Lille, France, depict two worlds – the earth and the heavens.

Living in two worlds

  • Post category:Times and Seasons
  • Post last modified:March 19, 2024

Jesus died, rose and ascended so we can live in two worlds at the same time - the natural one we see physically, and the supernatural one we see by the Spirit.

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Grace trumps power

If you have suffered at the hands of the self-absorbed, the biblical book of Esther was written for you. Far from the fairy tale we've imagined, Esther's story shows us how to overcome the chaos and destruction wreaked by narcissists who care only for themselves.

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Thousands of years ago, a little book that lies near the center of the Old Testament broke the silence. Esther the book speaks openly of sexual, racial and domestic abuse. Esther the woman experienced all three. Still today, Esther is speaking out to show us how one abused woman faced down what threatened to swallow her up, and how we can do the same.

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