Code blue! God’s cry to the breathless
Any time, ever, that you find yourself lying broken and spent, the Lord has a message for you. It’s his cry to wake you, and his promise to revive and restore.
Any time, ever, that you find yourself lying broken and spent, the Lord has a message for you. It’s his cry to wake you, and his promise to revive and restore.
When God’s people push against, instead of moving with, his Spirit, he knows the situation is dire. He sounds the alarm: My people aren’t breathing! Code blue!
A person can be a Christian, yet not live by the Spirit. Ah, but that's not what our Lord intends.
When it comes to dealing with anything spirit, the church has a long history of ignoring, twisting, adding to and taking away from the truth that gives us rest.
God saw my stifled spirit. He saw my confused soul. He’s teaching me to act on my spirit's yes even when my soul is screaming no. For then his life can flow.
If God wakes you up to lifelessness and powerlessness in people who identify themselves as his, time is of the essence. But what in the world do you do?
Spiritual exhaling releases what God breathes into you, for the building of his kingdom and the honor of his name. Exhaling the Breath of God, you release life.
As you inhale, you’re filled with breath. As you inhale spiritually, you’re filled with the Breath of God. Spirit-to-spirit, you receive his life.
In Scripture, God makes a direct connection between breath and spirit, and so, between the act of breathing and the act of relating to him. He shows us: As breath is to the body, being filled with the Spirit and living in the power of the Spirit are vital to life in Christ.
Mini-post. Grace flows in a cycle, like the water cycle - down, out, up. Here's a quote about the downward flow, from The Esther Blessing: Grace to Reign in Life.