I shall not want: Resting in God’s provision

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want,” sang David, the poet-king. Or in other words, “I lack nothing.” “The Lord hasn’t given us enough!” cried Joseph’s clan. We may know and love David’s words. Yet at times, it may seem that we lack a LOT. So what do we do with that?

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Two large, antique globes stand side by side, each upheld by a heavy, walnut, four-footed frame. One globe depicts the earth. The other depicts a heavenly world.
Two globes in the Musee Hospice Comtesse, Lille, France, depict two worlds – the earth and the heavens.

Living in two worlds

  • Post category:Times and Seasons
  • Post last modified:March 19, 2024

Jesus died, rose and ascended so we can live in two worlds at the same time - the natural one we see physically, and the supernatural one we see by the Spirit.

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