Updated July 2021

What About Women?

Regardless what you may have heard to the contrary,
the Spirit and the Word are saying,
with one voice, to us all:

Be blessed to walk
in the FULL redemption
Jesus Christ has purchased for you
with his own blood.

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I was approaching my fiftieth birthday when two godly women ever so gently challenged what I had been taught about women, the church and God.

For decades, the teachings of my church culture had jarred my spirit. Then, at 43, I began serving fulltime as a women’s leader in the SBC. There, I came face to face with the demeaning and dishonest treatment of women that these “scriptural” tenets produce.

Yet still, I was afraid to probe the subject. The accepted stance is counted so clearly biblical and so foundational to the faith that honest questions are seen as a slippery slope to liberalism, heresy and hell.

I was frightened at the thought of being counted a liberal or a heretic. So even after realizing the jarring in my spirit was coming from God himself, I tried for two more years to treat the matter as too peripheral and too controversial to approach.

But once I dared to let the Lord challenge what I’d thought I had to believe, he has stunned me time and again with each next thing he has chosen to expose. Maybe you would like to know too:

The Lord has no part in any view of womanhood that perennially dishonors women. He does not deny adulthood to women. He does not deny personhood to women.

Stunning gender bias on the part of Bible translators is not from God.

Any view of womanhood that mirrors the Ideal Confederate woman is not from God.

Any view of “godly submission” that only goes one way is not from God.

“Loving one anothering” is from God. In fact, Jesus said the one thing we’ve omitted is key to all relationships in his church.

This book tells my story of all the ways God answered, from the moment I finally asked him:  “What about women, Lord? What do you say about how women in your kingdom relate to other people and to you?”

“Your book was such an encouragement”

Comments on What About Women by Angela at angelalight.com

I loved the book! I’ve been struggling silently with the conflicting messages – how I felt God loves women as equals to men but how the church culture tells me I’m ‘unbiblical’ and its blasphemy to disagree with them, that we should be silent and not teach.

Your book was such an encouragement and the validation I have long sought.

Thank you Deborah for being courageous in the face of opposition. I love to see a fellow sister in Christ following His leading – even when it’s not a popular choice among our society. Thank you for writing this book! I’m recommending it others.