God who sees me

God sees me.

Any given moment, it may frighten me – or delight me – to realize that. Either way, it’s an incredibly important truth to embrace.

A smug calico cat peeks out from under a towel.
© adassel / freeimages.com

When I want to hide because I’m doing something that, deep down, I know is wrong, a healthy fear of the God who sees me could stop me in my tracks and save me a world of grief.

How terrible it will be for people who try hard to hide their plans from the Lord! They do their work in darkness. They think, “Who sees us? Who will know?” (Isa. 29:15 NIRV)

Will the one who planted the ear not hear? Will the one who formed the eye not see? Will the one who disciplines nations not correct them? Will the teacher of humanity not know? (Ps. 94:9-10 CJB)

Frightened kitten, cowering on wood chips and peeking out from under fronds of green foliage
© poetprince / freeimages.com

When I feel hidden – my situation, my need, my voice, even my existence, unseen and unheard – when I see no way forward and no ally in sight, Hagar’s story can set me up for a God-encounter of my own.

Hagar was the servant Sarai and Abram sexually exploited, to provide him the son Sarai had been unable to conceive. When Hagar did become pregnant, then “didn’t know her place,” Sarai turned on her. Abram continued to collude with the abuse.

Running out into the desert, hopeless and alone, Hagar found herself miles from anywhere, beside a spring. Even more important, God found her there. Firmly, compassionately, he spoke to her, instructed her and made rock-solid promises to her.

Thereafter, Hagar used another name to refer to the Lord, who had spoken to her. She said, “You are the God who sees me.” She asked, “Have I truly seen the One who sees me?” (Gen. 16:13 NLT).

The God who saw Hagar sees me. He sees you. When you think you’re hidden, be blessed to know: You’re not.

See also

Again and again, the “God who …” phrases in Scripture reveal God’s works. As we respond to our Lord deep within, receiving what he communicates Spirit-to-spirit, those phrases also reveal his ways.

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